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Congratulations to all the shortlisted films:

This is Not Just England


Julie's Adventures

A fun filled adventure deep into the heart of Africa.

Director: Connor Adam

Producer: Herries Anderton


Saving Southbank Skaters

The oldest skate spot in London is under threat, thousands of Londoners join the petition to keep the historical skate spot.

Directors: Oana Marocico, Qiong Zuo

Course: Multimedia Journalism, MA


Beyond The Divide

A story about a secret love affair between a catholic and protestant in Northern Ireland and its consequences.

Director: Anne Clements

Course: BA Photography


The Wolf, the Ship, and the Little Green Bag

Three women, who have become close friends in their old age, reflect on their youth and tell stories of their coming of age experiences

Director: Kathryn Maccorgarry Gray

Course: Film & TV, 3rd Year


The Full English Art World

Katy Harrison-Taylor's film 'The Full English Art world' looks at exploring and understanding the tensions between different characters in the 'Art World'.

Director: Katy Harrison-Taylor

Course: Mixed Media Fine Art, 2nd Year



The space of the foreigner within is a moving train, a plane in flight that precludes stopping. Always elsewhere, the foreigner belongs nowhere.To worry or to smile, such is the choice when we are assailed by the strange; our decision depends on how familiar we are with our own ghosts.

Director: Bunshri Chandaria

Course: Photography, 3rd Year


We Need to Talk About Cave-In


The Architecture of Fear

Exploring fear and the emotional perception of space through surreal environmental and atmospheric forms.

Directors: Leanne Hua, Yura Kher, Roxy Mankoo

Course: Animation, 3rd Year


The I of the Other

How would it feel to see the world through someone else's eyes?

Director: Alice de Barrau

Course: Animation, 2nd Year


Home Time

It is an urban myth about the power struggle between men and women portraying the effect of frustration on an individual.

Director: Moritz Riewoldt

Course: Film & Television, 2nd Year


Camera Obscure

Inside an image-producing machine, a man falls in love with the perfect image. But feelings are not permitted inside this machine, at leastnot in this side...

Director: Dimitris Simou

Course: Animation, 2nd Year


A Killer Party

Victor's birthday lies on halloween, the next events are unforseen.

Director: Austin Salt-Cowell

Course: Film & Television, 1st Year



Directors: Antonio Yotsov, Elvin Cruz, Sophia Fortouzok

Course: Animation, 3rd Year



Dark fantasies arise when two strangers meet on board of a locomotive.

Directors: Dimitris Simou, Alice de Barrau

Course: Animation, 2nd Year



A story about three babies that were born faceless. They grow up together and one day they lose their masks. What are they going to do?

Director: Hashim Gaad

Course: Animation, 2nd Year



Doyle’s nocturnal life of routine is exposed to the cold light of day by a series of revelations that force him to confront his responsibilities towards his family.

Director: Jonas Zimmermann

Course: Film & Television, 3rd Year


Fear and Loving in La Vita


A Family Film

A film about a Father and Son as they attempt to bring to life moments from a violent past, unearthing harsh truths about their own relationship along the way

Director: Samuel Fahy

Course: BA Film & Television


Love Online

A documentary exploring the world of online dating

Director: Michael Aka

Course: Television Production, 2nd Year



Directors: Dennis Korycki, Leena Zaher, Shona Doyle



Directors: Catherine Anh-Tho Nguyen, Sanal Sunny, Tara Rzaeva



Director: Todor Bradev

Course: Film & Television, 2nd Year



Director: Josh Bunce

Course: Film & Television, 1st Year


The Test

Short piece of drama introducing the hidden truth of a pregnancy test in a teenage couple.

Director: Nedim Bajraktarevic

Course: Television Production, 1st Year



Combining live-action and animation, 'Chalk' explores the way in which people are often too afraid to take hold of the opportunities they want when they are presented to them -especially when it comes to romance.

Director: Haley Gansert

Course: Film & Television, 2nd Year



John and Dave are partners…

Director: Jordn Bastian

Course: Film & Television, 2nd Year




Comply Another Day


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Umm...A film about...err...I don't know...err...I can't think...oh umm...I guess..

Directors: Harry Prentos, Jonathan Ellington, Jordan Nichols



A lonely photography student becomes consumed by her dangerous online relationship in the wake of her parents’ double murder.

Director: Ed Palmer

Course: Film & Television


Playing God

It's an animated documentary on the subject of immortality. Three individuals have a lighthearted discussion on their views on living forever.

Directors: Anthony Crockett, Ella Duke, Gerard Mensah

Course: Film & Television / Animation, 3rd Year


The Queen

The “illusion”of fitting in a man in an A4 projected transparent page. How people adopt roles, profiles and lifestyles

Director: Georgios GreeKalogerakis

Course: Mixed Media Fine Art, 1st Year


Black Water

In a post apocalyptic world, an unlikely encounter between two survivors exposes the effects of long lasting solitude.

Director: Rem Berger

Course: Film & Television, 2nd Year


Set Sail

A little story about coming of age. A boy leaves everything he knows to explore a new world.

Director: Alice de Barrau

Course: Animation, 2nd Year



A lone boy seeks to breathe new life into a world extinct of humanity

Director: Ed Palmer

Course: Film & Television


Ephemeral Memories

A mirrored train ride on the famous Shinkansen gives the viewer a chance to see Japan's urban landscape come alive and experience a warped perspective on our outside world

Director: Sybilla Patrizia

Course: Contemporary Media Practice


Sour Candi

Director: Hatty Fenby-Taylor

Course: Contemporary Media Practice, 1st Year


Love is Space & Time

In ‘Love is Space & Time’ photographs travel from analogue to digital and from stillness to movement.

Director: Martin Dixon

Course: Photography, 3rd Year



Directors: Amalie Vilmar, Krishna Sachananda, Leyla Hodges


Untitled (Wardrobe)

The film allows space for the natural performance to represent itself in it’s own context, while celebrating beauty in the mundane.

Director: Innamana Pettyll

Course: Film & Television, 2nd Year


Jane Everywhere



Director: Erke Bao


Ivy & Gold - The Town

Director: Christine Tynkevych

Course: Film & Television, 1st Year


Jazz at Ned Kelly’s Last Stand

This mini documentary reveals the secret den of jazz in Hong Kong and presents its nostalgia statement against the glamorous pop world.

Directors: Jiayi Song, Xu Han



Lightbulbs explores ideas of vulnerability and loss, of beauty and the struggle to preserve it. It leaves the viewer with the choice to switch on, or switch off.

Director: Keri-Luke Campbell

Course: Digital Imaging Technologies and Photography BSc, 1st year



Power only conquers power, beauty conquers everything

Director: Christine Tynkevych

Course: Film & Television, 1st Year


Em and Al Go To America

Directors: Alice Trott, Emily Trott


King For A Day - Not in competition 

Director: Gorana Jovanovic


You Will Cry For Me - Not in competition

The lead singer of the band Chaucha Kings tries to relive the doll that he is in love searching her missing piece. He looks for the magical help of the singer Aladino. Musical video made in toy animation.

Director: Monica Jativa




© Westminster Film Forum 2014 

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